Our digital and media literacy resources for youth are now available in 15 languages

- Our #WhatTheFutureWants exhibition and digital and media literacy resources for young people are now available in 15 different languages.
- To date, the What the Future Wants events have engaged more than 11.500 participants in 30 countries.
Organisations, cultural centres, teachers, young collectives and leaders working on digital and media literacy initiatives for young people can now access the What The Future Wants resources in Albanian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, Georgian, German, Hindi, Italian, Macedonian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish. And yes! More languages are coming soon.
What the Future Wants is a youth initiative from Tactical Tech that aims to put young people in the driving seat of their digital futures through education, co-creation and capacity building. The What the Future Wants Exhibition, co-developed with young people, seeks to foster critical reflection on the impact of digital technologies on their lives.
Since the launch of the exhibition in 2022, Tactical Tech has partnered with organisations and collectives across the globe like the Central Library of Srečko Vilhar Koper, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, FERS, Goethe-Institut, Save the Children România, Casa Hacker, Técnicas Rudas; JAAKLAC and Causas Digitales, WTFW Voices of India initiative to make the exhibitions and its materials accessible to young people in their languages.
To date, the What the Future Wants events have engaged more than 11.500 participants in 30 countries.
Young people grow up in an environment that is increasingly driven by and dependent upon digital technologies. Their social, learning and play spaces are being encroached upon by ubiquitous technologies so that the divide between public and private, online and offline is being eroded. At a time of crucial development, this leaves them exposed to a unique set of challenges, such as tech habit and addiction, information pollution, algorithms and discrimination and data surveillance.
What the Future Wants seeks to define and address these challenges alongside young people and those that support them. Through research, educational curricula and creative interventions, we will work towards increasing the data literacy of the next generation so that they can think critically and proactively about the digital environment they want to live in now and in the future.
Do you want to join this movement? If you are interested in hosting a What the Future Wants exhibition, please get in touch with us at youth@tacticaltech.org, and check out our Set-Up Manual for more information.