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Your donation directly supports our efforts in empowering communities to navigate and respond to the challenges created or exacerbated by digital technologies, such as climate change, social polarization, economic crises, conflicts, and threats to democracies.

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Acquire printed versions of our most popular guides and books

Picture of the printed version of the books: Personal Data: Political Persuasion, Exposing the Invisible- The Kit and Visualising Information for Advocacy
"Personal Data: Political Persuasion": Through cases, you could learn more about how political groups and companies participate in an industry that uses data to influence voters' opinions and election outcomes worldwide. More info
"Exposing the Invisible- The Kit": A collaborative, self-learning resource that makes investigative techniques and tools used by experienced investigators accessible to everyone motivated. More info
"Visualising Information for Advocacy": Through examples of visual information campaigns worldwide, we show how advocates, activists, and rights groups can capture attention, present stories and take your audiences on journeys through data. More info

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