People at the Glass Room Exhibition

About us

We are an international NGO that, for over 20 years, has engaged with citizens and civil society organisations to explore and mitigate the impacts of technology on society.
Today, more than ever, we need to reflect critically on our relationship with technology. How do digital technologies impact the way we get informed and make decisions? How can we as a society face the 'side-effects' of an increasingly data-driven world?
At Tactical Tech, a Berlin-based non-profit organisation, we design and co-develop playful and forward-looking experiences, interventions, events and educational resources that invite people to think about how technology influences their lives and changes the world they live in.
Since 2003, we have joined forces with a global network of partners and civil society organisations, collaborating at the intersection of technology, research, design and art on projects that promote conversations and encourage proactive solutions.
We empower communities and individuals to forge lasting digital transformations by building resilience in organisations.

Our work with partners worldwide focuses on:

Building capacity through collaboration and co-creation
Promoting critical thinking via digital literacy interventions
Field building and advancing specialised knowledge

What we offer:

Tactical Tech offer

How do we do it?

Our educational tools and methodologies are accessible for use by diverse audiences

Tactical Tech’s resources and interventions are open-source, adaptable, scalable and localisable, making them accessible to diverse audiences.
Our partners worldwide further develop these resources that combine tech, design, and interactive formats by adapting them to their specific goals and the needs of their communities. Our collaborations enable us to learn from our partners, continuously improving our resources.

We collaborate with partners across the world to create sustainable impact

We work towards a sustainable digital future by working collaboratively and empowering existing social structures – such as libraries, schools, and community centres as well as field influencers, journalists and rights organisations.
During the last 20 years, we built a global network of partners in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin and North America who lead local conversations and transformations around the digital challenges by engaging and involving their communities.

Our reach in 2022

Our work is available in the following countries and languages:

Our reach since 2003

400+partnershave collaborated with us to develop and adapt our resources to their communities’ needs.
90+countriesin which our partners and us have promoted digital and media literacy among their communities.
30+million peoplehave been reached through our collaborative work with partners worldwide.
Learn more

Our Funders

  • Co-Funded by the European Union logo
  • Logo  European Media and Information Fund
  • Sida – the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
  •  Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation logo