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Technology & Society Insights

Pieces written to help people and organisations understand what it means to work in a tech and data-saturated environment.

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In the loop

The archive of our monthly In The Loop newsletter.

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  • White background with the text In The Loop newsletter
    • In-The-Loop newsletters

    In The Loop, Half-year edition 2024

    In the Loop, Tactical Tech’s monthly newsletter, includes new releases, open calls, job opportunities, information about our partners, events, recommended resources and more.

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  • White background with the text In The Loop newsletter
    • In-The-Loop newsletters

    In The Loop, May 2024

    In the Loop, Tactical Tech’s monthly newsletter, includes new releases, open calls, job opportunities, information about our partners, events, recommended resources and more.

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  • White background with the text In The Loop newsletter
    • In-The-Loop newsletters

    In The Loop, April 2024

    In the Loop, Tactical Tech’s monthly newsletter, includes new releases, open calls, job opportunities, information about our partners, events, recommended resources and more.

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  • Background with the text In The Loop newsletter
    • In-The-Loop newsletters

    In The Loop, March 2024

    In the Loop, Tactical Tech’s monthly newsletter, includes new releases, open calls, job opportunities, information about our partners, events, recommended resources and more.

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